Welcome to Safe Habitation

We are a home health care team serving people with excellence and compassion. We provide personalised homecare support to empower residents.

As a domiciliary care provider, we seek to offer home based quality care & support to service-users who require care & support in their own familiar environment & surroundings.

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Our Services

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Assisted living

Assisted living is designed with individuals with disabilities and their families to support disabled citizens to attain or retain their independence.

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Domiciliary care

Domiciliary care is a service where people who need support and care receive assistance from a visiting carer in their own home.

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We offer 24/7 support to people who need care and support in their own homes or community, providing flexible and responsive support when, how and where they want it.

We support people to maintain and develop their independence and skills, gain new skills and try new things with our experienced and trained staff.

We are a reablement (rehabilitation) oriented organisation whose goal is to help individuals in our care to try new experiences, realise their potential and improve their self confidence

Get in touch

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or queries, please be sure to contact us using this handy form.